Reviews and testimonials

Total Student Care is a dynamic, knowledgeable organisation and my experience with TSC was top notch. They provided great service and kept me on track with ongoing initiatives, opportunities as well as assisted me to get organised by giving structured strategies. I wish their bright future.

Total Student Care is a dynamic, knowledgeable organisation and my experience with TSC was top notch. They provided great service and kept me on track with ongoing initiatives, opportunities as well as assisted me to get organised by giving structured strategies. I am forever indebted to have had a chance for selecting this organisation which was the best decision ever. I highly recommend TSC for anyone who is struggling with their visa processing. I wish for their bright success.

My work was done very quickly. They were very cooperative people and I received my visa very quickly. Their service was satisfactory.

I would like to appreciate your efforts in helping me studying UK. The entire TSC team had done a great job all through the journey. Right from the offer letter, CAS till getting the visa done TSC has helped and guided me. I would want to thank you for all your support and services.

Total Student Care (TSC) is a highly trustworthy student agency, provides helps all the way through from initial consultation, admission, offer, visa, arrival till enrolment. They keep in touch till you finish the course successfully. I love TSC a lot.

For Nigerian students to study in the UK, Total Student Care (TSC) is the best student agency, they deliver 100% satisfaction.

Total Student Care (TSC) has helped me with admission at University of Brighton and UK study visa. Thanks a lot to Rajib, Zubaer, Sakif, Sadia, Enayet, Obayedullah, Nafisa and others - the whole team have provided me dedicated services, very grateful to all of them.

Exceptional service, would definitely recommend to fellow students

Very good service provided by Total Student Care (TSC).

The student consultants of Total Student Care (TSC) are very experienced and knowledgeable - they sorted out my difficult visa issues and admission matter comfortably - big thanks to them.