MSc Computer Networking
Note: the example personal statement (statement of purpose) below is for guidelines only and to help you understand how to write one - do not copy any part of it. When applying to universities, write your own personal statement (statement of purpose) according to your profile for the course you are applying. Please check HERE for detailed guidelines on how to write a personal statement (statement of purpose).
I write to express my enthusiasm and interests in the MSc Computer Networking study opportunity and particularly why University of Bedfordshire is my first preference as an institute for my higher study. As because I completed BEng (Hons) Telecommunication and Computer Networks Engineering from London South Bank University and as because Computer Networking one of my favorite subjects in undergraduate, I am very passionate and wish to promote my career in Networking sector; and the MSc Computer Networking will help me to fulfill my aspiration.
All over the world Computer Networking is a very important subject for the communication engineering field. Due to enormous necessity of this subject in modern life, I prefer to become a Computer Networking Engineer and develop my career in this sector which has immense necessity in coming days. Especially as a developing nation Bangladesh needs myriad qualified people in this sector. Moreover due to open market competition number of foreign companies are successfully operating in Bangladesh and thus creating lucrative job opportunities for graduates from developed countries like United Kingdom. I know that University of Bedfordshire is one of the best institutes in Computer Networking providing practical experience in the field and one of the best for higher education. Having got chance to study in University of Bedfordshire will be a turning point in my career.
Due to my particular interest in networking sector, I completed a CCNA fast track course from JUST IT where I learned knowledge and skills necessary to install operate and troubleshoot an Enterprise network, including configuring switches, routers, connecting to WAN and implementing network security using real hardware and emulation software. I realized that there is a vacuum for qualified engineers in this sector which made me interested to become a Computer Networks Engineer in future.
My previous academic qualification will help me to grab the subjects quickly in my proposed study at University of Bedfordshire as a graduate from Telecommunication and Computer Networking I have a strong concept and understanding of computer networks and networking technologies. I have knowledge and understanding of basic details of OSI and TCP/IP layers of modern computer networks and the Internet. I achieved transferable skills like managing a networking design project, maintaining a logbook of experimental work, using proprietary software design tools and writing formal reports representing the engineering design process which I can use to successfully achieve MSc Computer Networking from University of Bedfordshire.
The study of network systems, computer security, networking administration and management, wireless networking distributed parallel architectures, advanced security countermeasures, professional project management, emerging technologies areas at MSc level would provide me advanced level knowledge and skills with academic progressions and unique ticket to master my career.
From my recently studied MBA International programme, I have accomplished thorough knowledge in business and management in international aspects – the study has also developed my professional discourses. Since IT and business go hand in hand due to the recent technological development and introduction of ICT in every aspects of commerce, industry and organsiations; one complement the other. One the one hand, all businesses require IT specialists and dedicated department allocated for IT, on the other hand all ICT companies and firms require Business and Management specialist for the growth of ICT business, products and services, effective managements and going in global market and sustain growth. Therefore, the learning from the MBA would be highly contributory to this MSc course and career afterwards.
Since unlike MBA which gives generic knowledge on different functional areas of business and management, from this MSc I will gain specially dedicated knowledge, skills and competences. I will also develop as a networking professional – this will earn me progressions in learning, in skills and as a better professional. I will be in advantageous position to bargain for better jobs and career afterwards.
With the newly gained knowledge and competences, when I go back to my home country, I will have a wide range of career opportunities as IT and helpdesk support officer, network technician, system analyst, network engineer or architect, computer networking instructor, university academic or ICT teacher in technical educational institutions, network infrastructure manager in ICT industry, network security manager, network administrator and many more. I can also start my own ICT networking firm and provide bespoke services or services as outsource company with my own trained human and technical resources. This career plans and my goals can realize huge potentials in career development and source for earnings.
At University of Bedfordshire, the course is delivered by professionals who are actively engaged in networking and security research. Here at Beds, I will have opportunities to work with 64-node cluster and state-of-the-art equipment including virtualized environments with the latest operating systems and software tools.
The university develops employability skills and prepares students so that they are able to adapt to their workplace culture, use their abilities and skills to evolve the organization and participate in innovative teamwork. Beds adopt practice based approach to teaching and learning to ensure students benefit from a range of opportunities to develop skillsets as a professional practitioner or entrepreneur. The career service, member of the Association of Graduate Career Advisory Services (AGCAS) work in partnership with academic departments and employers, is dedicated to help potential graduates to explore options, unlock the potential, decide goals and then work towards achieving those. The Bedfordshire Edge gives additional opportunity to gain formal recognition for extracurricular activities. These have influenced my choice of institution massively.
The vibrant multi-cultural learning community with student population from over 100+ countries at the university make the educational environment a true place for transforming life, gain innovative education, cultivate bright future and key for success. My joy will know no bound in becoming part of these unlimited possibilities.